Meet the Author with Hena Khan

Belvedere students participated in a virtual visit with author, Hena Khan.

By Fairfax Netework
November 06, 2019

Hena Khan is the author of several children’s books featuring Muslim characters. From her picture books like Under My Hijab to her chapter book series Zayd Saleem, Chasing the Dream, the author says she enjoys “sharing and writing about my culture and religion.”

In this edition of Meet the Author, this Pakistani-American author talks about her books, including her latest book, More to the Story. Themes of what it means to belong culturally as a Muslim in our society, what it means to be a friend, and part of a family are prevalent in many of her books.

The author talks with students from Belvedere Elementary School (FCPS) via Skype. Author Hena Khan also answers students’ e-mail questions and phone calls.